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Ford of Murfreesboro

March 28, 2017 Tammy Lynn 1

 My sister’s car broke down again, yes, again.  So, I told her that we should go look at some new cars.  She reluctantly agreed.  We […]

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Echo Dot

March 22, 2017 Tammy Lynn 2

 Okay, my mother-in-law gave us the Echo Dot.  She said that we had to have it.  This is not something that I would have bought […]

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HP Notebook

March 14, 2017 Tammy Lynn 0

 Well the day has finally come for my husband to have to replace old faithful, and get a new laptop.  It was sad, because he has […]

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Bridgestone Arena

February 28, 2017 Tammy Lynn 2

 Here we go Predators, here we go…  Here we go Predators, here we go…  Guess were I went this weekend.  You got it, I went […]

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February 20, 2017 Tammy Lynn 2

 My computer decided that it did not want to work any more, so it took an early retirement.  When it decided to retire, it retired. […]

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The Avenue

February 14, 2017 Tammy Lynn 2

 I have lived in Murfreesboro, TN for some time now, and haven’t really taken the time to appreciate The Avenue (outdoor shopping plaza).  I have […]

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Easman Pillow

February 10, 2017 Tammy Lynn 4

 Those of you that regularly follow me, or any new parent for that matter…  now how important sleep is to me.  Well, my husband bought […]

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MTSU Library

February 7, 2017 Tammy Lynn 1

 Okay, so I went to the local library, and requested a book.  I was told that we don’t have that here, but they have it […]