The LeapPad


Lets face it moms most of our children can work our phones and tablets better then we can. But is that what we want? When you think about it the parental control that comes with tablets and phones are almost non existent. Plus if they drop it its almost always broke or those ever faithful sippy cups leak on them and well there is $600.00 down the drain. Plus that puts us with out our phones or tablet till we can get a new one.  So with that being said, do we really want our little ones getting ahold of them and finding things that are no so kid friendly?

So I have been doing some research since the holidays are right around the corner and our children are going to be asking us for the electronics. There are many kid friendly items that have games, and even can get on the internet. These are the items I have been looking at for my kiddos. The LeapPad 2 Explorer. LeapPad 2 Power. and The LeapPad Ultra. These come with 8 GB of storage, wifi connection, kid safe internet browsers. and some of the best parental controls. The screens are made to take a drop or a throw from our little angles. I know there are different ones out there and I will do some research on those as well but this is what I have found so far. Good luck and if you have any ideas please be sure to comment and let me know. (see Home Page to learn how I get my reviews, comments, and content)


  1. I just bought my son one for christmas and he went through the roof. He has been playing it non stop it seems like since he got it. Thanks for this AWESOME idea Tammy!

  2. This looks so awesome!! I bet my daughter would love this. I am going to go today while she is in school and check one out. I kind of want one for myself. LOL

  3. I think I will check this out. I am wanting to get my son something like this for Christmas and I was not sure if I should do an i pad or something elese. This might be exactly what I am looking for. Thanks for the help Tammy!


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