Sleep Calm Mattress Protector


Yikes! I finally did it. I spilled a piping HOT cup of coffee on my mattress. Ugh….. Fortunately I got the Sleep Calm Mattress Protector when we bought our last mattress. They are not cheap but as you know my husband works in the bedding industry and gets the hook up. Back to the story. I was enjoying my 2nd cup of morning joe so that I could face the world and function like a normal human and splash!! There goes the coffee as the cat leaps like superman across me. The first thing that came to mind was, OMG how will I tell my husband that I spilled coffee on our new luxury crazy expensive Resort mattress? And then I remembered that we got the mattress protector to prevent exactly this scenario from happening. I pulled the protector off slowly. I guess deep down I still believed that there would be a massive mocha stain looking back at me and laughing. Nothing. Just the beautiful cashmere wool cover looking just as new as the day we bought it. The best part about this protector is that I forgot it was there. That is how thin it is. It is thin, breathable and moisture wicking to help keep you cool. All of the mattress pads and protectors I have had in the past felt like a sweaty plastic bag. The Sleep Calm mattress protection cover is perfect. No heat. No noise. And no worries. Hope you liked my latest Top Pick from your Favorite Bedding Chick. Below I will be actively posting more information and benefits of owning a premium mattress protector. Rate my blog to give me feedback. Thanks.(see Home Page to learn how I get my reviews, comments, and content)

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